Change of lifestyle for better health

nak exercise yg takde masa nih...nak makan selalu byk je masa..camana nak tukar ni ek

KUCHING: The public should change their lifestyle to include regular exercise and a balanced diet in order to reduce the risk of heart disease or a stroke.

Datuk Jamilah Anu, a board member of the Sarawak Heart Foundation, said heart disease and stroke were largely preventable if the main risk factors, such as high blood pressure and glucose and cholesterol levels, were reduced.

“The only way to know your level of risk is to be assessed by a health care professional.

“Once you know your overall risk, agree with your health care professional on a plan for specific actions you should take to reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke,” she said at a public health talk on ‘Do You Know Your Risk’ at Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus here recently.

The talk was one of the several activities organised by the Sarawak Heart Foundation in conjunction with World Heart Day 2008.

Jamilah also said it was important to exercise regularly, have a balanced diet and refrain from overeating and smoking.

“Overeating and a poor diet which is rich in fat and low in fibre is known to lead to obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and blockage of veins, and then heart-related diseases,” she said. She urged students and teenagers to change their lifestyle now before it is too late and advised parents to play their part in supervising their children’s diet from a young age.

3 Comments to "Change of lifestyle for better health"

  1. Anonymous

    @pp dah 3 bulan x g buat morning walk @pp since kena solicit dgn insurance agent tu..hehehehe (ini semua alasan jer lah kan..)

  2. Anonymous

    Kalau dah lama tak exercise, kenalah buat! Tapi kalau tak de masa, gardening dgn anak2 pun ok! Yang penting nak keluarkan peluh!

  3. Anonymous

    owhhhhh, udah lama ku tak jogging..uwaaaa!!

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