Too Much Melamine Found in 18 Types of Biscuits

PUTRAJAYA: Eighteen types of biscuits bearing the Khong Guan and Khian Guan brands have been found to contain excessive levels of melamine.

Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai said the contamination is from the raising agent ammonium bicarbonate from China which was used to produce the biscuits.

As a result, Liow said, ammonium bicarbonate from China was now banned. Ammonium bicarbonate from other countries would be taken for tests.

“Results from our tests found that the melamine level in the ammonium carbonate used for Khong Guan and Khian Guan biscuits is 33.4ppm and 508ppm respectively,” he told a press conference on Thursday.

The permissible level of melamine is 2.5 parts per million (ppm).

He said 18 out of 47 products had been found with excessive levels of melamine and the manufacturer has been instructed to recall them. Full Article

9 Comments to "Too Much Melamine Found in 18 Types of Biscuits"

  1. Anonymous

    Nak makan apa pun sekarang ni..rasa macam tak selamat aje...banyak sangat bahan kimianya...

  2. Anonymous

    buat sendiri la sume tirana

  3. Anonymous

    cam ni leh kurus lah ye...
    sumer x leh mkn (bagus gak tu) hehehe

  4. Anonymous

    ok gak tu app..jom diet hehe

  5. Anonymous





  6. Anonymous

    makan biskut pun dah tak selamat...

    damn it...!!

  7. Anonymous

    isk isk isk... jahat bebenor orang cina ni ya....

  8. Anonymous

    thanks luth

    eddie ntah apa lagi yg tak selamat kan..

    shaxx eja biar betul..china kan..
    kang masuk isa plak aku haha

  9. Anonymous

    Jahat tak jahat pun cina dah berjaya kuasai ekonomi Islam merempatla jawabnya..

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