Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Voldemort is tightening his grip on both the Muggle and wizarding worlds and Hogwarts is no longer the safe haven it once was...

rasa tak sabar nak tunggu cite harry potter nih..kat msia start 16 july..next week jee

6 Comments to "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince"

  1. nak tgk wehh crita ni...huhu!

  2. tgk jgn tak tgk intan

  3. yahoo...aku pun x sabar

  4. tak lama dah minggu nih je kan aidilx

  5. tringin sgt nk tgk..spe nk blnje ak tgk wayang..ahakz..ade ker..dlm julai jg kot kluar..mari same2 kiter tunggu..

  6. emm 16 next week la anep

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