Sleep Well

rasa lamanya kena tido 7, 8 baby plak hehe

SLEEP deprivation has been associated with concentration, poor behaviour and poor performance in adults as well as in young children.

Recent studies found that sleep deprivation doubles the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and diabetes.

It has been suggested that one contributing factor for childhood obesity is an increase in appetite as a result of hormonal changes.

A good night sleep is the best medicine for the body. Sleep helps to improve immune system, improve physical, mental and emotional health as well as delay aging.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7 to 8 hours of sleep for most adults each night.
A proper and healthy diet is found to support good sleep.

What you eat, how much you eat and when you eat can affect sleep and sleep hormones namely, melatonin and serotonin production.

Trytophan found in certain food is a good source of serotonin that helps an individual to relax and thereby promote sleep.

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9 Comments to "Sleep Well"

  1. Anonymous

    Zamz..orang dewasa perlu 7 - 8 jam tidur dan baby pulak lagi perlu banyak tidur untuk membesar dengan sempurna. Tidur kena cukup..kalau terlebih tidur pun..rasa tak sihat jugak..hehehe

  2. Anonymous

    emm lama tu 7-8 jam 1 per 3 hari..kalau hidup 60 tahun..20 tahun kita tido je hehe

  3. Anonymous

    waaa.. tu zamz tido ke tuu... awat simut yg atas2 tu singkat2 belaka? heheheeh

  4. Anonymous

    Yang sepatutnya memanglah 7 - 8 jam tidur untuk org dewasa. But look around us.... pukul 2. 3 pagi masih lagi tak tido sebab dok chatting, ngadap komputer update n3 utk blog masing2. So, macamana nak capai matlamat 7-8jam tido! Bulan puasa lagi la, lps sahur sambung lagi sampai Subuh!Fikir-fikirkan! Lain la kalau ada penyakit insomnia, lain la jugak!

  5. Anonymous

    ien kat atas tu panas sbb tu selimut macam takde je

    myza betul tuh tetambah plak bulan posa ni

  6. Anonymous

    huh, selepas aku meneliti post ini tiada sbrg makanan.. baru aku masuk.. hahahhaha

    7-8 jam ek??

    aku tido... pukul 7pg hingga 11pg (setiap hari).. tambah tolak.. tambah tolak..4 jam je...

    erm.. mmg rasa kurang sikit..

  7. Anonymous

    lochoe 4 jam je ek....patut kurus

  8. Anonymous

    tapi kalo aku tido lebih dr 6 jam, badan aku sakit2 la... camna tu?

  9. Anonymous

    tgk org gak shaxx ..setengah org mmg kena tido cukup 8 jam..baru ok kalau tak muka monyookk je hehe

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